12 March 2014

Tips 2 : Du'as for Dealing with Depression

These Tips were given by my beloved friend who studies psychology at International Islamic University Malaysia...

1. When feeling down or something upsetting you ...  say :

“Yaa Hayyu yaa Qayyoom, bi Rahmatika astagheeth" 
(O Ever-Living One, O Everlasting One, by Your mercy I seek help).

2. Before sleeping recite Ayat Al Kursi (Ayatul Qursi ) and the last two verses of Surah Al Baqarah (285 & 286) .  InshaAllah  you'll be protected from jinn and shaytan...

TIPS 2 : Du'a Yunus A.S

Recite this Du'a

:لَّا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
La ilaha illa anta, Subhanaka, Inni kuntu minaz-zalimin
"None has the right to be worshipped but You (O Allah)), Glorified (and Exalted) are You
(above all that (evil) they associate with You). Truly, I have been of the wrong-doers."

Dua of Yunus (A.S) repenting to Allah in the belly of the whale.

Sa’d ibn Waqas (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, “The supplication made by the Companion of the Fish (Prophet Yunus (as)) in the belly of the fish was (the above). If any Muslim supplicates in these words, his supplication will be accepted/responded to.” In another report, Prophet[SAW] says “I know words that will cause Allah to remove one’s distress. These are the words (of supplication) of my brother Yunus[AS] “[at-Tirmidhi; an-Nisa'I, al-Hakim]

Tips 0 : Tawbah (Istighfar and Tawbah )

Is there a difference between Istighfar and Tawbah?

Istighfar (seeking forgiveness) and Tawbah (turning to Allah in repentance) are from those pairs of words that when mentioned separately generally mean the same thing, but when used together, emphasise certain aspects of the repentance act individually.

Yet at the same time, there are small differences between the two and it could be argued that Tawbah is the more encompassing concept.

Some of the verses of Istighfar in the Qur'an include:

And whatever good you will send ahead for your own-selves, you will find it with Allah much better in condition, and much greater in reward. And seek forgiveness from Allah. Indeed Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
(Surah Al-Muzammil, 20)

Then set off together, from where all the people set off. And seek forgiveness of Allah, for Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
( Surah  Al-Baqarah, 199)

But Allah was not going to send them a penalty whilst you [O Prophet] were amongst them; nor was he going to send it whilst they were asking for forgiveness.”
( Surah  Al-Anfal, 33)

“I said, ‘Seek forgiveness of your Lord, He is Oft-Forgiving.’”
(Surah Nuḥ, 11)

If only you (were to) ask Allah for forgiveness, perhaps you may receive mercy.”
(Sūrat’l-Naml, 46)

Istighfar as an act of seeking forgiveness is the beseeching of Allah to cover that sin in this world (linked to its Arabic root verb ghaffara غَفَّرَ which means to cover, and where the ghufrah غفرةis a cover itself) and to not make that sin public.

But more than just covering, it also entails a complete removal of that sin and a protection of the evil that may occur from that past sin, both in the dunya and the Ākhirah, so as to not be held accountable for that action on Judgment Day.

As Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned in the Madārij, Allah jalla wa ‘alā covers the sins of many people who don’t make Istighfar, so when one does actually seek forgiveness they are being more conscious of the enormity of that action, and the evil consequences that may occur. Consider that the helmet is called a Mighfar مِغفَر as opposed to just a hat or a turban because it does both the job of covering and protecting the head.

Yet we realize now that people might make Istighfar for a sin they have committed, but not commit to making Tawbah which includes a firm determination never to return to such a sin. This is one of the possible differences between these very similar words/concepts as mentioned by some of the ulama.

As for Tawbah in the Qur'an then as Allah jalla wa ‘alā says:

O you who believe, turn in repentance to Allah with a sincere repentance.
(Surah Al-Tahrīm, 8 )

And turn in repentance to Allah all of you, O Believers, so that you may achieve success.
Sūrat’l-Nūr, 31)

Tawbah comes from the root word تاب which means to turn in repentance, in penitence for any sin committed. It means literally to “turn back to Allah” and as in Lisān’l-‘Arab, “to return back to the obedience of Allah.

It also includes a call from the sinner to not be held accountable for that sin in the Hereafter. Thus some of the Ulama mentioned that whilst Istighfar focuses more on the evil consequences of that sin in the past, Tawbah is more focused on the consequences of that sin in the future.

Tawbah is a more comprehensive word than Istighfar as mentioned above but also because of what the Ulama mentioned from its conditions such as immediately stopping the sin, having a firm determination to not return back to that sin ever again, showing clear regret, and helping to fix any damage caused by that sin.

By fulfilling these conditions after sinning, the effect of this purification process of Tawbah can be incredibly powerful and indeed praiseworthy, for we have all been created weak along with a tendency to sin – but the best of the sinners are those who return back to Allah from such a state of disobedience to the obedience and love of Allah jalla wa ‘alā.

Hence Ibn al-Qayyim said, “The true essence of Tawbah is to return to Allah and to adhere to what He loves and renounce that which He hates – Tawbah is a journey from the disliked to the liked.” (al-Madārij)

As for those verses when both Istighfar and Tawbah are mentioned together:

Ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn in repentance to Him; He will provide you with a goodly provision for an appointed time.”
(Sūrah Hūd, 3)

And, O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn in repentance to Him; He will release the Heavens pouring upon you…”
(Sūrah Hūd, 52)

And to Thāmūd their brother Ṣāliḥ. He said, “O my people! Worship Allah, you have no god other than He; He brought you into being from the earth, and made you dwell in it, therefore ask forgiveness of Him, then turn in repentance to Him; surely my Lord is Near, Answering.”
(Sūrah Hūd, 61)

Seek forgiveness from your Lord, then turn in repentance to Him. Surely, my Lord is Merciful, Loving.
(Sūrah Hūd, 90)

So when both Istighfār and Tawbah are mentioned together, each word becomes more specific in its role in the entire repentance process.

Now, Istighfar is emphasizing protection of the evil for what has occurred from the sin, particularly in a worldly sense, covered up from the public eye.

And Tawbah now focuses on begging for safety from ever returning to such a sin again, and the consequences thereby.

As Imām al-Ālūsi mentioned in Rūh’l-Ma‘ānī that with both mentioned here together, the Istighfar is effectively the stopping and leaving of that sin and Tawbah is then the return to Allah and to obedience of Him ‘azza wa jall. It is the specific determination never to return to such a low state ever again.

But as explained before, if any of these two words were mentioned separately, this would be understood from each term according to the majority of the ‘Ulama. When both are used together, each aspect of this return journey to Allah’s obedience is emphasised as concluded by Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon all of our great scholars.

And Allah jalla wa ‘alā knows best.

from: http://alternativeentertainment.wordpress.com/2009/12/14/is-there-a-difference-between-istighfar-and-tawbah/

10 March 2014

Tips 3 : Dhikr ( Tasbih )

Tasbih / Tasbeeh /(تسبيح) is a form of dhikr that involves the repetitive utterances of short sentences glorifying God, in Islam.

The word ‘tasbih’ means the act of saying "SubhanAllah (Glorious is God) "

Tasbih is comprised of two words: Subhan( سبحان ) and Allah ( الله )

Subhan  means to glorify, praise, magnify, extol Allah, by tongue or by heart. It includes:

1. To say He has no flaw in His Perfection, that He is Far above any imperfection.

2. He is far above and beyond any similarity to His Creation.

3. He is free from and above all kinds of association (shirk) and any un-divine attributes.

When one does tasbih, they negate any flaw and affirm all perfection in Allah azza wa jal.

Translations such as “glory be to Allah” do not contain the full meaning of tasbih, rather it is an impartial translation. 

A more appropriate translation is,
SubhanAllah = How Perfect is Allah and Far Above any flaw and association.

So when we say “SubhanAllah” the complete meaning is (but not limited too):
I declare (or celebrate, extol) the remoteness, or freedom, of Allah from any imperfection or impurity or from anything derogatory from His glory. From the attribution of there being an equal to Him, or any companion, or anything like unto Him, or anything contrary to Him, from everything that should not be attributed to Him.

Taken from : http://tayyibaat.wordpress.com/2008/09/11/what-is-tasbeeh/

Tips 8 : Tawakkul ( Reliance Upon Allah )

Tawakkul (Arabic: تَوَكُل‎) is the word for the Islamic concept of reliance on God or "trusting in God's plan"

Tawakkul refers to putting your trust in Allah – to believe that He alone can ward off the harms of this world, provide you blessings and sustenance, and to ease your challenges. Tawakkul is also about accepting the results that He decides regardless of how they may turn out to be.

Have you ever had that feeling of anxiety in your heart? What if it doesn’t work out? What if you never get over it?

The truth is, we have all felt this way at some point in our lives. Sometimes, the uncertainty is just too much to bear, or the hardship of a moment prevents us from seeing any light at the end of the tunnel.

At times we desperately want some kind of medicine, a pill perhaps, to miraculously take these worries away.

But we do have that. This pill is called tawakkul.

Like any pill, it’s sometimes hard to swallow. There are moments when we wonder whether this medicine even works, or if it is just some tool to make us simply believe we can be better.

But Allah, the One – the only One – in control of this universe has said:

“…And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him.”
(Qur’an, 65:3)

So what does it mean to rely on Allah; to have tawakkul in Him?

It means to be firm in your heart.

Ibn Ata’illah stated:
Relieve yourself of worry after you have planned; do not concern yourself with what Allah has undertaken on your behalf.”

Allah is Al-Wakeel; this means that it is He who controls His worshipers’ affairs and takes care of them. He never abandons them nor leaves them to another source. He has given Himself this Name and made it known to us, so that we know this is an essential attribute of His; thus, we will never be let down insha’Allah.

Even if things do not go according to plan, we know that Allah will give us something that is better. We could not have entrusted our affairs to anyone better than Him. This is why, whenever the idea of relying on Allah is mentioned in the Qur’an, Allah reminds us of His power:

“[He is] the Lord of the East and the West; there is no deity except Him, so take Him as Disposer of [your] affairs.”
(Qur’an, 73:9)

And Allah says,

“…Rely upon the Ever-Living who does not die…”
(Qur’an, 25:58)

One day Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it. He asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (Tirmidhi).

Accordingly Tawakkul means a man, in the face of the difficulties of life, enmity and troubles of opponents, the tangles of existence which hinder his journey towards his objectives, and in instances wherein he finds himself unable to untie the knots, takes Allah (s.w.t.) as his support but, at the same time, does not stop his own efforts and endeavours. And accept whatever Allah decides, regardless of the results.


TIPS 3 : Dhikr ( Dhikr everyday )

"... without doubt in the remembrance (Dhikr) of Allah do hearts find tranquility"
(Quran 13:28).

If you commute, use your time in Zikr.

Pick any Tasbih and do that instead of listening to the radio or reading the newspaper.

Maybe you can divide it up between Zikr and planning.

Personally, I (the writer) recite the Tasbih of
"SubhanaAllahe wa be hamdihi, subhanAllahil Azeem" 100 times as I drive.

The Prophet taught us these two short phrases which are easy to say but will weigh heavy on our scale of good deeds in the Hereafter.

When your heart feels heavy with stress or grief, remember Allah and surround yourself with His Zikr.

"And your Lord says: 'Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer)..." (Quran 40:60)

By remembering Allah in the way He has taught us to, we are more likely to gain acceptance of our prayers and His Mercy in times of difficulty.

We are communicating with the only One Who not only Hears and Knows all, but Who can change our situation and give us the patience to deal with our difficulties.

"Remember Me, and I shall remember you; be grateful to Me, and deny Me not"
(Quran 2:152).

taken from :  How-A-Muslim-Should-Deal-With-Stress-and-Anxiety-25

09 March 2014

Read This : Islamic Coping Mechanisms

Islam has proposed several oases from stress, and I (Prof. Rafeek Beekun) will discuss them briefly below:

1. The Faith (iman) Oasis:

Some people are more able to cope with stress than others. The determining factor of the level of stress experienced is the perception of something as a threat, which triggers the stress response, and not the threat itself. It seems that the stress response is not created by any particular type of event or situation but rather by the way that event is perceived.

It turns out then that stress response is a matter of perception, or awareness. The stress reaction is activated by neural perceptions or by what amounts to one’s worldview.

A worldview can be described as the prism of ideas and beliefs through which the world is perceived and judged. This means that your worldview becomes central to the way any stressful circumstance is handled
(2, 3).

Islamic spiritual practices can dramatically alter your worldview and thereby restore your feelings of self worth and personal meaning, giving you a feeling of deeply rooted power and control. Control has been found to be a key factor in the psychology of chronic stress.

It has been observed in clinical studies that the extent to which you feel that you are in control of your environment, is the degree to which you will, or will not, experience the hormonal stress response.

Those who feel most powerless or unable to control their circumstances tend to experience the highest levels of stress. On the other hand, those who feel they have great personal control and power over themselves and their environment will be much less likely to experience the hormonal stress response, and this is regardless of the potential seriousness of the threat .

In Islam, Muslims feel Allah, Who controls the whole world and all the creatures in it, supports them. It was reported by Omar may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet has said: “if you people depended on Allah as you should, He would provide for you as he provides for the birds leaving their nests hungry and coming back satisfied.”

2. The Meditation and Relaxation Oasis:

Meditation is being riveted on any one idea or object to the exclusion of all other ideas or objects. Meditation is really a natural quality of the mind. With meditation, the mind is trained to pay attention and to follow commands. In this way, one learns to quiet the thought traffic in one’s mind, thereby freeing up mental and physical energy.

The basis of meditation is to adopt a posture of body and mind that allows one to remain comfortable for long periods of time without expending significant amounts of energy. Dr. Herbert Benson, a Harvard University physician, researched the physiologic effects of meditation in the early 1970s. He coined the term “relaxation response” to refer to the stress-reducing effects of meditation, which we now know can be elicited through a variety of relaxation practices including meditation .

In the mid-1980s, Dr. Dean Ornish, clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, incorporated an extensive meditation program into a comprehensive lifestyle program for patients with heart disease. Data published from his five-year trial revealed reductions in total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, decreased anginal symptoms, and regression of coronary artery disease (9). Meditation works by eliciting the relaxation response. The relaxation response is characterized by decreased heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen consumption, and muscle tension.

Meditation seems to produce these changes to a greater extent and more efficiently than sleep. For example, reports from Dr. Benson’s work show that oxygen (O2) consumption diminishes by 8 percent during restful sleep over the course of four to five hours, while the relaxation response results in a 10 to 17 percent reduction of O2 consumption in a matter of minutes .

Other studies demonstrate significant reduction in total peripheral resistance (TPR) and systolic blood pressure in those practicing meditation regularly. TPR is the maximum degree of resistance to blood flow caused by constriction of the systemic blood vessels. Reduction of TPR will reduce the overall blood pressure .

Studies also showed diminished lipid peroxide levels resulting in reduced oxidative damage. Also, meditation was used intensively and effectively in control of cases with chronic pain  and anxiety disorders . Meditation by concentrating on Allah’s creatures (plants, animals, space, human body, etc.) is considered one of the most efficient and powerful forms of Islamic worship. In this form of meditation, one concentrates on an object or group of objects from the same category (categorical meditation). In fact, the Qur’an describes Muslims involved in such a process of meditation as:

Men who celebrate the praises of Allah standing sitting and lying down on their sides and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth (with the thought): “Our Lord! not for naught hast thou created (all) this! Glory to thee! give us salvation from the penalty of the fire:
(Qur’an, 3: 191)

3. The Remembrance (zikr) Oasis:

As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, meditation can be done by concentrating our thoughts on an object or group of objects of the same category. Meditation can also be performed by concentrating on one word or a few words that give the person a sense of internal peace and calm; for example by repeating the words subhan Allah (glory be to Allah) or al-hamdu lillah (all praise be to Allah).

Deep and silent repetition of such words produces the same physiological effects of meditation . It also adds an additional factor that helps in stress elimination and that is giving the individual the feeling that he or she is in extreme proximity with Allah, the Controller of the whole world. Again, Allah mentions people engaged in this introspective process as:

Those who believe and whose hearts are set at rest by the remembrance of Allah; now surely by Allah’s remembrance are the hearts set at rest.
(Qur’an, 13:28)

4. The Imagination Oasis:

This is considered one of the most powerful methods of stress reduction. During this practice, the person imagines that he or she is in a place, which gives him internal peace, calmness and rest. Muslims can find their safe place through imagining what will be present in the Paradise.

Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said: I have prepared for My pious servants’ bounties which no eye (has ever) seen, no ear has (ever) heard and no human heart has ever perceived.”

5. The Praying Oasis:

This includes all of the previously mentioned oases including meditation, remembrance and imagination. While praying, each one of us feels that we are in extreme connection with the controlling power of this world (Allah) and that from Him we receive maximum support.

O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.
(Qur’an, 2: 153)

It was reported by Gaber may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet has said:
your prayers are like a flowing river at your doorstep you wash yourself in it five times a day

Recent scientific investigations show that praying reduces post-operative complications following open-heart surgery. Praying also markedly reduces the percentage of patients exposed to depression following hospitalization .

Nowadays, doctors suggest that praying can be used as an alternative therapy as successfully as meditation, exercise, or herbal treatments.

According to Koenig of Duke University,
when prayer uplifts or calms, it inhibits cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine – hormones that flow out of the adrenal glands in response to stress. These fight-or-flight chemicals, released over time, can compromise the immune system, upping the odds of developing any number of illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, peptic ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disorder (IBS).

Many experts feel that the immune system is strengthened and nourished by a sense of peace elicited during praying. Many doctors believe that praying with their patients before and after surgery or before administering a course of powerful drugs might actually assist in the patient’s recovery .

Five prayers have been prescribed to us daily. This is a good chance to make use of that time not only for spiritual enhancement but also for physical and psychological healing.

Although Ramadan has passed, its spirit should still be fresh in our hearts and minds. Investing this spirit into our daily prayers and meditations could well be the way to a stronger and more relaxing mental health.

from : http://theislamicworkplace.com/2006/12/23/islam-and-stress-management-part-4-islamic-coping-mechanisms/

Read This : Reminders ( Part 1 )

General advice from Prophet Muhammad (s) when you are in distress or suffering from anxiety:

In hadith #599 narrated by Abdullah ibn Abbas in Sunan Abu Dawood, The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If anyone continually asks pardon, Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress, and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide for him from where he did not reckon.

Remember that sickness expiates evil deeds and wipes out sins.

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
“When Allah wants to be good to someone, He tries him with some hardship.”

Abu Hurairah also reports that Allah’s Messenger, peace be upon him, said:
For every misfortune, illness, anxiety, grief, or hurt that afflicts a Muslim
-even the hurt caused by the pricking of a thorn –
Allah removes some of his

Abu Hurairah (r) said: “The Prophet, peace be upon him, remarked:
‘The example of a believer is like a fresh tender plant; from whichever direction the wind blows, it bends the plant. But when the wind dies down, it straightens up again. (Similarly a believer is tested by afflictions to strengthen his faith and heart, and he remains patient and firm). And an evil person is like a pine tree which remains hard and stiff until Allah breaks it whenever He wills.”

Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, #1

If you are experiencing stress because of illness, you may complain of your illness, but do so Islamically without anger or impatience.

It is permitted for a patient to complain of his pain and illness to a physician or a friend, provided he does not do so to express his or her anger or impatience.

It was mentioned earlier that the Prophet (s) said:
“My fever is as severe as that of any two of you.”

Once ‘Aisha (ra) complained to the Messenger of Allah (s) about her headache, lamenting:
“O my head.” He retorted: “Nay, rather (I should say) O my head!”

Likewise it is reported that ‘Abdullah ibn Al-Zubair asked his ailing mother, Asma bint Abi Bakr, “How are you feeling now?” She replied: “I am in pain.”

A patient should thank and praise Allah, before talking about his distress and complaint.

Ibn Mas’ud said: “If one thanks Allah before complaining about his pain or disease, then it is not considered impatience. Indeed, to refer one’s complaint to Allah, is quite lawful.” Jacob (the prophet), said: “I complain of my distraction and anguish only to Allah.”

The Prophet Muhammad, (s) himself prayed:
“O Allah! to You I complain of my weakness.”

Do not use the word “if” when faced with something difficult or unpleasant.

Abu Hurairah (r) related that the Prophet (r) said, “When one of you is afflicted with any misfortune he should say, ‘Ina li llahi wa inna ‘ilayhi Raji’un (We are for Allah, and to Him is our return),’ even if it be merely losing one’s shoe straps, for this is also a misfortune.” (Ibn As-Sinni)

Abu Hurairah (r) reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak believer, and there is good in everyone, but cherish what gives you benefit in the Hereafter and seek help from Allah and do not lose heart, and if anything (in the form of trouble) comes to you, don’t say, ‘If I had not done that, such and such thing would not have happened,but say, ‘Allah has ordained it so, and whatever He pleases He does,because ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ open the door for Satan.”(Muslim)

From: http://theislamicworkplace.com/stress/

Tips 1 : Allah ( Never give Up )

" Don’t lose hope in the mercy of Allah.
You are not allowed to lose hope in the mercy of Allah.
This is the attitude we have to internalize."
-Nouman Ali Khan

"Certainly no one despairs of Allah s Mercy, except the people who disbelieve"
(Qur'an 12: 87)

 "And if you would count the graces of Allah, never could you be able to count them."
(Qur'an 16: 18)

"And whatever of blessings and good things you have, it is from Allah. Then, when harm touches you, unto Him you cry aloud for help"
(Qur'an 16: 53)

Tips 1 : Allah

No matter how bad you perceive your situation to be and how depressed or stressed or desperate you are, never give up on Allah. Doing so is actually tantamount to disbelief.

“Truly no one despairs of Allah’s Soothing Mercy except those who have no faith. ”
(Qur’an, 12: 87)

When you feel overwhelmed and down with stress, remember Allah and do Zikr. Zikr refers to all forms of the remembrance of Allah, including Salat, Tasbeeh, making supplication (Dua), and reading Quran.

“And your Lord says: ‘Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer)…” (Quran 40:60)

As Muslims, we are in direct communication with the Almighty.

He is the only One Who not only Hears and Knows all, but Who can change our situation and give us the patience to deal with our difficulties.

“Remember Me, and I shall remember you; be grateful to Me, and deny Me not“
(Quran 2:152).

Continuously relying on Allah or Tawakkul is an intrinsic part of your life as a Muslim or Muslima, and especially so during times of stress.

Before you leave home for work, say ‘in Your Name Allah, I put my trust in Allah, and there is no power or force except with Allah’ (Bismillahi Tawakal to al Allah wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah).

Once you have determined how to deal with a stressful situation or problem at work or Allah, put your trust in the most Wise and the All-Knowing.

“When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah” (Quran 3: 159).

from :  Muslim should deal with stress and anxiety by Abdul Malik Mujahid

07 March 2014

TIPS 2 : Du'a (Etiquette for making du’as)

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

Du`a's and ta`awwudhat [prayers seeking refuge with Allah] are like a weapon, and a weapon is only as good as the person who is using it; it is not merely the matter of how sharp it is. If the weapon is perfect and free of faults, and the arm of the person using it is strong, and there is nothing stopping him, then he can lay waste the enemy. But if any of these three features is lacking, then the effect will be lacking accordingly.
(Ad-Da’ wa-d-Dawa’, p. 35).

From this it will be clear that there is an etiquette and rulings that must be fulfilled in the du`a' and in the person making the du`a'. There are also things that may prevent the du`a' reaching Allah or being answered – these things must be removed from the person making the du`a' and from the du`a'. When all of these conditions are fulfilled, then the du`a' may be answered.

Etiquette for making du’as

1. Start the supplication with Allah’s Praise and Blessings on His Prophet (s).

 Fudalah b. ‘Ubaid reported that the Prophet (s) heard a man supplicating during prayer. He did not glorify Allah, nor did he invoke blessings on the Prophet. The Prophet (s) said, “He has been hasty.” Then he called the man and said either to him, or to someone else,

When any one of you prays, he should begin by glorifying and praising his Lord and then he should invoke blessings on the Prophet, peace be upon him, and after that he should supplicate Allah for anything he wishes.”

Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4: 111c

2. To ask Allah by HIs Names.

Allah himself says in the Qur’an ( Surah Al A’raf, 7:180):
The most beautiful names belong to Allah: so call on Him by them;

The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) heard a man saying: O Allah, I ask Thee, I bear witness that there is no god but you, the One, He to Whom men repair (As-Samad), Who has not begotten, and has not been begotten, and to Whom no one is equal, and he said: “You have supplicated Allah using His Greatest Name, when asked with this name He gives, and when supplicated by this name he answers.”
Source: Hadith narrated by Narrated Buraydah ibn al-Hasib in Abu Dawood, hadith 584.

I was sitting with the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) and a man was offering prayer. He then made supplication: O Allah, I ask you by virtue of the fact that praise is due to you, there is no deity but you, Who showest favour and beneficence, the Originator of the Heavens and the earth, O Lord of Majesty and Splendour, O Living One, O Eternal One. The Prophet (peace be upon him) then said: “He has supplicated Allah using His Greatest Name, when supplicated by this name, He answers, and when asked by this name He gives.”

Source: Hadith narrated by Anas ibn Malik in Abu Dawood, hadith 585.

3. Choosing the clearest and most concise words and the best of du`a's.

The best of du`a's are those of the Prophet (s.a.w), but it is permissible to say other words according to the specific needs of a person.

‘Aishah says that the Prophet, peace be upon him, loved the short but comprehensive, meaningful supplications, more than others

Anas reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, frequently prayed, “O Allah, give us all the good of this world, and the good of the life hereafter, and save us from the punishment of the fire.”

Abdallah ibn ‘Abbas reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed to Allah, “My Lord, help me and do not turn against me. Grant me victory, and do not grant victory over me. Plan on my behalf and do not plan against me. Guide me, and make the guidance easy for me. Grant me victory over those who act wrongfully toward me. O Allah, make me grateful to You, mindful of You, in awe of You, devoted to your obedience, humble, penitent, and ever turning to You in repentance. My Lord, accept my repentance, wash away my sins, answer my supplication, clearly establish my evidence, guide my heart, make my tongue true, and draw out malice from my breast.

Other aspects of the etiquette of making du`a', although they are not obligatory, are:

to face the Qiblah;
to make du`a' in a state of purity;
to start the du`a' with praise of Allah and blessings upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
It is also prescribed to raise the hands when making du'as.

Make dua during your sijda (prostration).
As pointed out by Br. Abdul Malik Mujahid, we are in one of the most submissive physical positions when in Sajdah. It is one of the best occasions to ask God for forgiveness, guidance, and all that we want.

The Prophet use to make dua in Sajdah and not just tasbeeh as in obligatory prayers. He used to cry in Sajdah. Abduallah Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (s) said”[...] [While] prostrating yourselves be earnest in supplication, for it is fitting that your supplications should be answered.”
Source: Muslim

Abu Hurairah (r) reported, the Prophet (s) said, "The servant is nearest to his Lord when he is prostrating to Him, so make supplication in this state.” (Muslim)
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, 4: 111a

One of the things that helps to bring a response to du`a' is to seek the best times and places. Among the best times is

the time just before Fajr (dawn), 
the last third of the night,
the last hour of Jumu`ah (Friday),
when rain is falling, and between the adhan and iqamah.

4. Sincerity in making du`a'.

Sincerity in du`a' means having the firm belief that the One upon Whom you are calling – Allah, may He be glorified and exalted – is alone able to meet your need, and it also means avoiding any kind of showing off in your du`a'.

5. Repentance and turning back to Allah.

Sin is one of the main reasons why du`a's are not answered, so the person who is making du`a' should hasten to repent and seek forgiveness before he makes du`a'.

6. Beseeching, humbling oneself, hoping for Allah’s reward and fearing His punishment.

This is the spirit, essence and purpose of du`a'. Allah says: "(O mankind!) Call upon your Lord humbly and in secret. Lo! He loveth not aggressors." (Al-A`raf 55)
Source: Muslim
Abu Hurairah (r) reported, the Prophet (s) said, “The servant is nearest to his Lord when he is prostrating to Him, so make supplication in this state.” (Muslim)
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, 4: 111a

7. Making du`a' at times of ease, and saying more du`a's at times of plenty (of wealth).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Remember Allah during times of ease and He will remember you during times of hardship. (Reported by Ahmad)

Do not only do duas during time of difficulty.
Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him), said, If anyone finds pleasure in receiving an answer from Allah in times of difficulty, he should make many supplications when times are easy.” 

8. Do not ask for anything sinful in your dua.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Any Muslim who makes a supplication containing nothing which is sinful or which involves breaking ties of relationship will be given for it by Allah one of three things: He will give him swift answer, or store it up for him in the next world, or turn away from him an equivalent amount of evil.”
Source: Narrated by AbuSa’id al-Khudri in Tirmidhi.

9. Be firm when making dua.

Yahya related to me from Malik from Abu’z Zinad from al-Araj from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ”When you are making dua, do not say: ‘O Allah, forgive me if You wish. O Allah, forgive me if you wish.’ You should be firm in your asking, for there is no compelling Him.”
Source: Al Muwatta hadith 28, volume 15.

10.a. Do not be impatient if your dua has not yet been answered.
Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The du`a' of any one of you will be answered so long as you are not impatient and says, ‘I made du`a' but it was not answered.’” (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

10.b. Make dua with confidence in its acceptance.
Abu Hurairah also reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said,
None of you should say, ‘O Allah, forgive me if You wish, (or)
O Allah, have mercy on me if you wish.’

Rather you should be firm in your request, for (Allah does whatever He wishes) and no one can
force Him to do otherwise.”
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, number 112b.

11. Pursue lawful means of livelihood

Please note that you should pursue lawful means of livelihood if you wish your duas to be answered. The following hadith makes this clear:

Abu Hurairah (r) reported that the Prophet (s) said, “O people, Allah is Good and He, therefore, accepts only that which is good. And Allah commanded the believers as He commanded the Messengers by saying, ‘O Messengers, eat of the good things, and do good deeds; verily I am aware of what you do,’ Qur’an 23.51 and He said: ‘O those who believe, eat of the good things that We gave you’.” Qur’an 2.172 The Prophet, peace be upon him, then made mention of a person who travels widely, his hair dishevelled, and covered with dust. “He lifts his hands and makes supplication, ‘O Lord, O Lord,’ but his diet is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, and his clothes are unlawful, and his nourishment is unlawful. How then can his supplication be accepted?“ (Muslim and Ahmad)
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4: 110a

Ibn ‘Abbas reported, “Once, when I recited the verses of the Qur’an, ‘O you people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good’ (2.168) in the presence of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas got up and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Ask Allah to make me one whose supplication is heard.’ At this the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, ‘O Sa’d, consume lawful things and your supplications will be heard, and by Him in Whose hands is the soul of Muhammad, when a man puts into his stomach a morsel of what is forbidden his prayers are not accepted for forty days, and a servant of Allah whose body is nourished by usury or by what is forbidden becomes more deserving of the Hell fire.” (Al-Hafiz b. Marduwiyah)
Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4: 110a

12. There is no harm in making duas in obligatory prayers.

Yahya said that Malik was asked about making dua in obligatory prayers and he said, “There is no harm in making dua in them.”
Source: Al-Muwatta hadith 39, volume 15.

13. Do not make duas in a distracted manner.

The Prophet (s) has said in a Hadith narrated by Abu Huraira: Make Dua and be assured of being answered, and know that Allah does not answer a Dua from a careless heart which is not concentrating
Source: Tirmidhi in article by Abdul Malik Mujahid, 31 doas to choose from.

14. Make dua. Allah wants you to.

Abu Huraira related that the Prophet said: Allah is angry with those who do not ask Him for anything.
Source: Tirmidhi in article by Abdul Malik Mujahid, 31 doas to choose from.

In order for du`a' to be answered, it is not essential to adhere to all of these points and be free of all that could prevent one’s du`a' from being answered. That is something which happens very rarely. But one has to try hard and strive towards achieving this.

Another important point is to realize that the response to the du`a' may take different forms  : either Allah will respond and fulfill the desire of the person who made the du`a', or He will ward off some evil from him because of the du`a', or He will make something good easy for him to attain because of it, or He will save it with Him for him on the Day of Resurrection when he will be most in need of it.

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from:

Allah Almighty knows best.


05 March 2014

TIPS 7 : Wudu' (Ablution)

Wudu' is the Islamic procedure for washing parts of the body using water , typically in preparation for formal prayers (salat).

The Qur'an says "For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean."

Wudu can also be a shield against anger. The Prophet (SAW) said, “Anger comes from the devil, the devil was created from fire, and fire is extinguished only with water. So when one of you becomes angry, he should make wudu.”

12 February 2014

TIPS 6 : Asma ul Husna ( Songs )

I manage to find a few "Asma Ul Husna" songs.
Listening to these will help you memorize Allah's names, (and finding peace) InsyaAllah .

1. Asma ul husna (The 99 Glorified names of Allah) by BENAMMI

2 . Asma Ul Husna by HIJJAZ

3. Asma Ul Husna by Sheikh Mishary Al Afasy. (my favourite)

TIPS 6 : Asma Ul Husna ( part 2 )

Here are the list of 99 names of Allah :

1. Ar-Rahman
The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.
The Most Merciful

2. Ar-Rahim
The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers.
The most Compassionate

3. Al-Malik
The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection.
The King, the Monarch

4. Al-Quddus
The One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries.
The Holy one

5. As-Salam
The One who is free from every imperfection.
The Peace, The Tranquility

6. Al-Mu'min
The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.
The One with Faith
The Faithful, The Trusted

7. Al-Muhaymin
The One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures.
The Protector
The vigilant, the controller

8. Al-'Aziz
The Defeater who is not defeated.
The Mighty
The Almighty, the powerful

9. Al-Jabbar
The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed.
The all Compelling

10. Al-Mutakabbir
The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them.
The Haughty, the Majestic
The Imperious

11. Al-Khaliq
The One who brings everything from non-existence to existence.
The Creator, the Maker

The Creator who has the Power to turn the entities.
The Artificer, the Creator

The One who forms His creatures in different pictures.
The Fashioner
The Organizer, the Designer


The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.
The Forgiving, the Forgiver

The Subduer who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything.
The Almighty, the Dominant

The One who is Generous in giving plenty without any return.
The Donor, the Bestower

17. Ar-Razzaq
The Provider, the Sustainer

18. Al-Fattah
The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldly and religious matters.
The Opener, the Revealer

19. Al-'Alim
The Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge.
The all Knowing, the Omniscient

20. Al-Qabid
The One who constricts the sustenance.
The Contractor, The Restrainer, the Recipient.

21. Al-Basit
The One who expands and widens.
The Expander, He who expands

22. Al-Khafid
The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction.
The Abaser, the Humbler

23. Ar-Rafi'
The One who raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.
The Raiser, the Exalter

24. Al-Mu'iz
He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him;
The Honorer, the Exalter

25. Al-Muzil
Degrades whoever he willed, hence there is no one to give him esteem.
The Abaser, the Degrader, the Subduer

26. As-Sami'
The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ.
The Hearer, The All hearing, all knowing.

27. Al-Basir
The One who Sees all things that are seen by His Eternal Seeing without a pupil or any other instrument.
The Seer, The discerning, the All seeing.

28. Al-Hakam
He is the Ruler and His judgment is His Word.
The arbitrator, the Judge

29. Al-'Adl
The One who is entitled to do what He does.
The justice, the equitable. The Just.

30. Al-Latif
The Most Gentle, the Gracious.
The One who is kind

31. Al-Khabir
The One who knows the truth of things.
The Aware. The Sagacious, one is who is aware.

32. Al-Halim
The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.
The Gentle. The most patient, the Clement.

33. Al-'Azim
The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolment, and Purity from all imperfection.
The Great, Mighty

34. Al-Ghafoor
The One who forgives a lot.
The Forgiving, the Pardoner.

35. Ash-Shakur
The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.
The Grateful, the Thankful

36. Al-'Ali
The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.
The most high, the exalted.

37. Al-Kabir
The One who is greater than everything in status.
The great, the big.

38. Al-Hafiz
The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.
The Guardian, the preserver.

39. Al-Muqit
The One who has the Power.
The maintainer, The Nourisher

40. Al-Hasib
The One who gives the satisfaction.
The noble, The Reckoner

41. Aj-Jalil
The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
The Majestic. The honorable, the exalted.

42. Al-Karim
The One who is clear from abjectness.
The most generous, the Bountiful.

43. Ar-Raqib
The One that nothing is absent from Him. Hence it's meaning is related to the attribute of Knowledge.
The Guardian, the watchful. Watcher.

44. Al-Mujib
The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him.
The Responder. The respondent, one who answers.

45. Al-Wasi'
The Englober. The enricher, the Omnipresent, the Knowledgeable.

46. Al-Hakim
The One who is correct in His doings.
The most Wise, the Judicious.

47. Al-Wadud
The Affectionate, the Loving.

48. Al-Majid
The One who is with perfect Power, High Status, Compassion, Generosity and Kindness.
The Glorious, the exalted.

49. Al-Ba'ith
The One who resurrects for reward and/or punishment.
The Resurrector, the Raiser from death.

50. Ash-Shahid
The One who nothing is absent from Him.
The Witness

51. Al-Haqq
The One who truly exists.
The Truth, the Just.

52. Al-Wakil
The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.
The Guardian, the Trustee

53. Al-Qawee
The One with the complete Power.
The powerful, the Almighty, The Strong

54. Al-Matin
The One with extreme Power which is un-interrupted and He does not get tired.
The Strong, the Firm

55. Al-Walee
The Supporter, the Friend, the Defender the master.

56. Al-Hamid
The praised One who deserves to be praised.
The Praiseworthy , the Commendable

57. Al-Muhsi
The One who the count of things are known to him.
The Counter

58. Al-Mubdi'
The One who started the human being. That is, He created him.
The Beginner, the Creator, The Originator

59. Al-Mu'eed
The One who brings back the creatures after death.
The Restorer, the Resurrector.

60. Al-Muhyee
The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul. He gives life by giving the souls back to the worn out bodies on the resurrection day and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.
The Bestower, the Life Giver.

61. Al-Mumeet
The One who renders the living dead.
The Bringer of Death. The Death Giver.

62. Al-Hayy
The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh or blood.
The Living. The Alive, the ever living.

63. Al-Qayyum
The One who remains and does not end.
The Self-Subsistent, The Eternal, the Self Sustaining.

64. Al-Wajid
The Rich who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.
The all perceiving, the Opulent, the Finder.

65. Al-Wahid
The One without a partner.
The One, the Unique.

66. Al-Majid
The One who is Majid.
The Noble, the illustrious.

67. Al-Ahad
The only, the Unique.

68. As-Samad
The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.
The Perfect, the Eternal.

69. Al-Qadir
The One attributed with Power.
The Able, the Capable, the Omnipotent.

70. Al-Muqtadir
The One with the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him.
The Capable, The all Powerful

71. Al-Muqaddim
He makes ahead what He wills.
The Presenter, The Advancer, The Expediter

72. Al-Mu'akhkhir
The One who delays what He wills.
The Fulfiller, the keeper behind, The Deferrer

73. Al-'Awwal
The One whose Existence is without a beginning.
The First

74. Al-'Akhir
The One whose Existence is without an end.
The Last

75. Az-Zahir
The Apparent, the Exterior, The Manifest
The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place.

76. Al-Batin
The Hidden, the Interior, the Latent

77. Al-Wali
The One who owns things and manages them.
The Governor, The Ruler, The Master

78. Al-Muta'ali
The One who is clear from the attributes of the creation.
The Exalted, The most high, one above reproach.

79. Al-Barr
The One who is kind to His creatures, who covered them with His sustenance and specified whoever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.
The Benefactor, The Beneficent, the Pious.

80. At-Tawwab
The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance.
The Acceptor of Repentance, The Forgiver, the Relenting.

81. Al-Muntaqim
The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It may mean the One who destroys them.
The Avenger

82. Al-'Afuww
The One with wide forgiveness.
The Forgiver, the effacer, the Pardoner

83. Ar-Ra'uf
The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures.
The merciful, the Ever Indulgent.

84. Al-Muqsit
The One who is Just in His judgment.
The Just, the Equitable

85. Aj-Jami'
The One who gathers the creatures on a day that there is no doubt about, that is the Day of Judgment.
The Collector, the comprehensive, Gatherer

86. Al-Ghanee
The One who does not need the creation.
The rich, the all sufficing, Self-Sufficient

87. Al-Mughnee
The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.
The Enricher, sufficer, the bestower.

88. Al-Mani'
The Supporter who protects and gives victory to His pious believers. Al-Mu'tiy
The Withholder
The Preventer, the prohibiter, the defender.

89. Ad-Darr
The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed.
The Distresser , The afflictor, the bringer of Adversity.

90. An-Nafi'
The One who gives benefits to whoever He wills.
The Beneficial Benefactor

91. An-Nur
The One who guides.
The Light

92. Al-Hadi
The One whom with His Guidance His believers were guided, and with His Guidance the living beings have been guided to what is beneficial or them and protected from what is harmful to them.
The Guide

93. Al-Badi'
The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.
The Wonderful, the maker, Incomparable

94. Al-Baqi
The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.
The Enduring, the Everlasting, the eternal

95. Al-Warith
The One whose Existence remains.
The Inheritor, The Heir

96. Ar-Rashid
The One who guides.
The Rightly Guided, The Conscious, the Guide

97. As-Sabur
The One who does not quickly punish the sinners.
The most Patient, the Enduring.

98. Malik Al-Mulk
The One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.
The Ruler of the Kingdom, king of the Universe

99. Zul-l-Jalal wal-Ikram
The One who deserves to be Exalted and not denied.
Lord of Majesty and Generosity

credit: http://www.islamcan.com/99names/#.UvuH8uUQZ8E